“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation”
Play More isn’t just about fun and games. Play can be serious business when you consider all the benefits it provides. It can increase organizational involvement, job satisfaction, and a sense of competence and mastery. Play builds connections between people and teaches skills like cooperative problem solving, which is central to people’s ability to navigate interpersonal interactions throughout their daily lives, at work and beyond.
Physical, real world play, can benefit people’s motor skills, and give them a boost of energy throughout the day.
Play gives people the opportunity to master new concepts, regulate their attention, and fine tune their focus. Play rewards experimentation and unique problem solving, skills vital in the real world.
Play can help us learn to manage our emotions in a safe environment. People who play tend to feel an increase in self-confidence, relaxation, optimism, and persistence.
During play, the creative brain can feel free: abstract thinking, imaginative solutions, and unique perspectives are all available during play.
Playing with others helps people learn to negotiate, cooperate, and stay flexible. Players explore and discover together, finding opportunities for collaborative learning and empathy.
Playing in groups gives individuals the chance to practice their communication skills, empathy, and perspective taking. By practicing working together in a low stress environment, people improve their ability to collaborate.
“When employees have the opportunity to play, they actually increase their productivity, engagement, and morale … Not only does having a playful atmosphere attract young talent, but experts say play at work can boost creativity and productivity in people of all ages.”